St Alban’s Youth Working All Together
The Youth Group at St. Alban’s meet every other Wednesday from 7- 9.00pm.
If you are in year 7 or above, you are welcome to join us!
What we do
Some of the activities planned for the year ahead are:
- cocktail making
- drama
- baking cookies
- quiz nights
- climbing at Alter Rock
- Bowling
- Red Carpet evening
- Chip Challenge and lots more …
Link to really interesting youth websites……………….click here!
Follow this link to some pictures of what we get up to.
Youth Group Dates 2012/13
October 3rd and 17th 2012
November 7th and 21st 2012
December 5th and 19th 2012
January 16th and 30th 2013
February 13th and 27th 2013
March 13th and 27th 2013
April 24th 2013
May 8th and 22nd 2013
June 5th and 19th 2013
July 3rd and 17th 2013