Becoming a Catholic as an Adult
The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist
In the early 1980s the Catholic Church in England and Wales began to discover the “The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults,” which was one of the last documents of the Second Vatican Council. It changed the way we prepared adults for entry into the Catholic Church. It suggested that this should ideally take place at the Easter Vigil and should be expressed by celebrating the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and eucharist within the same ceremony rather than separately. It also suggested that it was the work of the whole faith community rather than just the priest (as it had become).
If you are not ready to visit us or call, check out the catholic faith website: The Catholic Faith
This is why we now help adults prepare in a group setting with sponsors, catechists and clergy. Candidates mark their faith journey by liturgical rites along the way in the presence of the parish community (Rite of Welcome, Rite of Election etc).
Here at St. Alban’s we run an enquiry and formation group for adults waiting to find out more each year.
If you would like more information please contact:
As a convert himself St. Alban is also the patron saint of converts – find out more.