We offer our prayers for the sick of our parish. Our Extraordinary Ministers take Holy Communion to sick and housebound parishioners in their homes. We also arrange Services of Anointing and Healing twice a year at St. Alban’s.
If you or members of your family need our prayers, a visit or some practical help please make contact with us.
For more information about ministry to the sick please contact:
- Derek or Loreta Hay on (01332) 280511 or
- Our Parish Priest
Patients in Hospitals
If you know of anyone in Hospital who would like a visit from the Chaplain, please use the following numbers:
- For The Royal Derby contact switchboard on 01332 340131 or Sister Mary on 01332 346920.
- For The Grove Hospital contact Fr Mark Brentnall on 01332 574474.
- For Nuffield & Kingsway Hospitals contact Fr Paul Chipchase on 01332 514107.
Alternatively have a word with our parish priest.