Born For This – A Lenten Reflection
St Alban’s, St Hugh’s and The Church on Oakwood are putting on ‘Born For This’, a Lentern reflection delivered through Music, Poetry and Drama.
This is a powerful presentation of the Stations of the Cross open to all ages. We will prepare on Wednesday evenings during Lent and the performance will be on Friday 12th April – as our final Stations of the Cross.
Please click here:
Sign up and state your preference for rehearsal timings.
Alternatively fill in the sign up sheet that will be at the back of Church.
We are very excited by this project and look forward to seeing many of you there.
Any questions please see Jo or Geoff Rowlands.
Hi – this is a message for Jo. I am quite interested in taking part in this performance but for some reason I could not fill in the form, apparently because I do not have a Google Account (although I thought I did have a Google Account). For your information, I could do either rehearsal, but the later one would be better for me. All the best from Joe