Updated Email Addresses for Parish Enquiries
Please note that as of 23/01/2025 we have closed our old email addresses and moved across to new ones provided by the diocese. If you wish to send us an email please use one of the following email adresses:
- For enquiries about baptisms, funerals, first communions, confirmation, parish adminstrative issues or website queries please use: stalbansoffice@dioceseofnottingham.uk.
- If you have an event you wish to publicise or an article for inclusion in the our parish newsletter please use: stalbansnewsletter@dioceseofnottingham.uk.
- If you have a personal or spiritual matter and you would like to communciate directly with our Priest or Deacon, please use one of the following email addresses:
- Fr. Roji roji.alex@dioceseofnottingham.uk
- Deacon Juan-Carlos deacon.jcv@gmail.com
Updated Email Addresses for Parish Enquiries — No Comments
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