Our parish and community is a place of welcome, where each person is respected and loved. In this place everyone receives and shares their unique gifts, where we support and protect each other. We must take particular care of those who may be vulnerable because of age, illness or disability or who may be vulnerable because of current or past life experiences.
Everyone in the Church has a responsibility to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of those who worship in our Church or who join us for any activity facilitated by Church members.
Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
In 2001 the National Conference of Bishops in England and Wales launched national policies and procedures to ensure that parishes are safe environments for children and vulnerable adults. At Diocesan level and at St. Alban’s and at The Church on Oakwood we are fully committed to these policies which are referred to as Safeguarding.
We are all made in the image of God and we start from the principle that each person has a right to expect the highest level of care and protection, love, encouragement and respect. At St. Alban’s and The Church on Oakwood, we promote the highest standards of Safeguarding and we ensure that all those involved in activities which involve children or vulnerable adults are aware of the resources and support available to them.
Responding to allegations
Both the Catholic Church in England and Wales and we here, in the Parish of St. Alban and at The Church on Oakwood are committed to responding properly and promptly to allegations of abuse in respect of children and vulnerable adults. Allegations will be reported to the statutory authorities.
All office holders, employees and volunteers must follow the procedures for dealing with reports of allegations or suspicions of abuse. If you have witnessed abuse or received an allegation of abuse where a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, you must inform the Statutory Authorities (Police/Social Services). You should then inform the Parish or Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator/Officer that you have done this.
If you think there is no immediate danger you must report the allegation to the Co-ordinator/Officer immediately, who will then inform the Statutory Authorities. Never discuss this with the person who you think is the abuser.
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.
Safeguarding Representative
Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Christianne Sammut.
She can be contacted on 07513 725329 or Email

Diocesan Officer
Our Diocesan Safeguarging Officer is Rachael Campion.
She can be contacted on Tel. 0115 953 9849 or by Email
The Safeguarding Office is based at 1 Castle Quay, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham. NG7 1FW. (office hours, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm)
The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency
The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency has been established to advise on and audit the work of the Catholic Church in England and Wales as it develops the highest calibre regime of safeguarding.
The CSSA holds a regulatory function extending to all dioceses and Religious Life Groups. It monitors compliance by Church bodies with the safeguarding standards adopted by the Church, using its own independent audit and review function and is empowered to undertake its role as a regulator through the freely entered into contractual relationships between it and the Church bodies it provides a service to. Through this, the CSSA has the powers to ensure that each Church body partnered with it, is complying with the published standards.
There are many resources on its website this can be found HERE.
DBS Checks
It is a legal requirement that all volunteers with roles involving contact with children and vulnerable adults be subject to a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check. This will be organised by the Parish Safeguarding Representative.
Victim Support – Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales.
The concept for the service has come from survivors of church-related abuse. Survivors have been involved in designing the service, and in selecting which organisation should run it. This was decided in early 2020 and Victim Support was selected because of our experience in supporting survivors of abuse.
More information is available on the Safe Space website.