We, the people of St Alban’s Catholic Parish, worshipping together in Chaddesden and Oakwood, strive to answer the call of Christ by living out our Christian witness. We aim to ensure St Alban’s Parish will continue to grow as a Christian Community which actively professes and promotes the Good News of the Gospel to everyone.
At St Alban’s we seek to achieve our Mission Statement by:
- Becoming a welcoming parish which promotes a sense of belonging and has effective lines
of communication.
- Exploring ways in which the whole community can be involved in creating liturgy that appeals to a wide variety of people.
- Responding to the needs of the sick, housebound and elderly and valuing the contribution that they make to the parish.
- Identifying effective ways of listening to our young people, which will contribute to their formation and recognise their specific role in proclaiming the gospel.
- Identifying teams responsible for parish finance, buildings and the promotion of social events. Organising better channels of communication throughout the parish to ensure a wide distribution of information.
- Enabling parishioners to search for truth, develop sound understanding of our faith and re-educate ourselves on the teachings of the church.
- Investigating ways in which we can review, extend and deepen our partnership with our neighbours.
- Developing our relationships with other Christians and people of other faiths.