The volunteers taking a well earning minute for a photo …
Jim starts the entertainment
Cath and Ellen leading the 12 days of Christmas
Come on ladies
Jim on the keyboard or fiddling with the sound!
Christmas Bazaar 2013
Altar Servers Outing to Whitby – September 2013
Easter – March 2013
Altar decoration for the Children’s Maundy Thursday Liturgy
Holy Saturday Vigil – readings for the Liturgy of the Word
Deacon John Martin gave the homily
Candidates for baptism with their sponsors
There were two adults baptised on Holy Saturday
Candles given at Baptism representing the light of Christ
Reception of candidates into the Catholic Church, standing with their sponsors.
Confirmation of the newly baptised and received
Anointing with the Oil of Chrism
Oakwood Paschal Candle
Fr Paul delivering his Easter Sunday homily
Paschal Candle immersed in the font for the blessing of the baptismal water
Flowers on the Paschal Candle stand
Rite of Election – Nottingham Cathedral 17/02/13
Candidates for Baptism or Reception into the Catholic Church together with their sponsors took part in the Rite of Election at the Cathedral on 17th February 2013