Saturday 13th July at St. Barnabas Cathedral Nottingham saw the ordination of Deacon John Martin to the Priesthood. The cathedral was packed full of parishioners from St. Alban’s Derby, and his childhood parish of St. Paul’s Lenton. These complimented the large number of John’s friends and family from his life in the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God and Oscott College.
Take a look at the pictures on this page and also the article prepared by Fran.
- John lays prostrate during the praying of the Litany of the Saints
- Priests of the Diocese lay hands on John to express the unity of the priesthood
- Priests of the Diocese lay hands on John to express the unity of the priesthood
- Priests of the Diocese lay hands on John to express the unity of the priesthood
- Investiture with the stole and chasuble. Fr D.avid and Fr Paul recieve them.
- Investiture with the stole and chasuble. Fr D.avid and Fr Paul recieve them.
- The vesting
- The vesting
- Newly vested
- The bishop greets Fr John with the Kiss of Peace.
- All the priests greets Fr John with Kiss of Peace
- All the priests greets Fr John with Kiss of Peace
- All the priests greets Fr John with Kiss of Peace
- Thoughtful
- This bishop’s final blessing
- Leaving the cathedral
- Leaving the cathedral
- Fr John leaving the cathedral
- Photo shoot.
- Order of Service and Ordination Card
- Photographs with St. Alban’s parishioners
- Photographs with St. Alban’s parishioners
- Fr John’s first blessing!
2013 Deacon John Martin – Ordination — No Comments
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